General Safety
- There is extensive CCTV coverage throughout the campus.
- Every girls’ washroom has a maid deputed outside full-time to ensure that no boy enters
- Every entrance and exit of VIS campus is manned by a full-time security guard
- VIS has an organised, systematic emergency operations plan in place to reduce risks and to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover, in the unlikely event of a crisis situation.
Fire Safety
- The campus is fully equipped with fire safety equipment
- The Staff and students go through regular, comprehensive fire safety drills
Electrical and Infrastructural Safety
A number of rules and guidelines are stated and strictly enforced to ensure all electrical equipment and physical infrastructure is safe at all times.
VIS Transport Safety Policy
A number of transport related rules and guidelines are in place and strictly enforced for drivers, bus-cleaners and transport in-charges, to ensure maximum safety for children at all times when travelling to and from school and in any dealings with school drivers and transport personnel. Drivers are expected to follow a strict code of conduct.
Cyber Safety Policy
There are strict rules and guidelines for staff to follow when it comes to the use of Internet and social media.